Apr 30, 2015

Learn to Spice up Your Food: 50 Recipes to help you Master Seasoning Mixes


Learn to Spice up Your Food
50 Recipes to help you Master Seasoning Mixes

Do your foods need to get a life?

Do you wish your foods were bursting with flavor but are unsure how to make your food ‘pop’?

Then you need Learn to Spice up Your Food: 50 Seasoning Recipes to help you Master Seasoning Mixes!

It will provide you with the basics of seasoning and spices so that you can gain an understanding and appreciation for how to successfully use seasoning and spices.

Learn to Spice up Your Food: 50 Seasoning Recipes to help you Master Seasoning Mixes provides 9 chapters and recipes covering today’s popular spices to help you liven up your food.

Master the art and get your copy of Learn to Spice up Your Food: 50 Seasoning Recipes to help you Master Seasoning Mixes today!

No foodie or gastro-traveler should be without a basic understanding of what seasoning and spices can do for a dish!


Apr 25, 2015

Dumplings, Dumplings, All the Way: The Best Dumplings Cookbook in Town


Dumplings, Dumplings, All the Way
The Best Dumplings Cookbook in Town

Dumplings, Dumplings, All the Way: the Best Dumplings Cookbook in Town! – A new book that presents more than 20 ways of enjoying dumplings most delicious and pot stickers is out to amaze the lovers of these soft silky balls of goodness. Whether you are an Asian food lover or not you are really going to enjoy these at times of snacks and as accompaniment or as an essential part of your main meals.

The process and art of making dumplings and pot stickers might seem daunting but you will learn from the book that it really isn’t. Starting from the dough, down to the filling and the process of cooking, there is really nothing very difficult. The author has presented easy dumplings recipes and trouble-free cooking methods of making your own delicious, homemade dish of dumplings.

So why go for the prepared and processed food items from the grocery store when you can prepare dumplings most delicious in controlled and hygienic conditions.

The dumplings cookbook has been divided into three chapters so that you find plain and flavored dumplings recipes in the first chapter, recipes for filled dumplings or pot stickers in the following chapter and finally in the last and third chapter you get a few recipes for favorite accompaniment dipping sauces for dumplings most delicious.

So go ahead, get yourself a copy of Dumplings, Dumplings, All the Way: the Best Dumplings Cookbook in Town! And enjoy experimenting with the dumplings recipes. 


Apr 24, 2015

Bento Cookbook: 30 Bento Box Recipes You Will Love!


 Bento Cookbook
30 Bento Box Recipes You Will Love!

This bento cookbook contains 30 recipes to make your lunchtime colorful and full of nutrition.

These bento box recipes will help you maintain your daily calorie intake as these recipes are healthy and free from unhealthy fats with each bento recipe containing a balanced amount of carbohydrates and proteins.

These bento recipes are suitable for both kids and adults. There are clear instructions given where you can substitute one ingredient with another or the tools that are required to make a particular recipe and the substitute if you don’t have that tool available.

All in all this cookbook is your complete guide towards portion control.  


Apr 10, 2015

30 Scrumptious Homemade Soups and Broths: Your Complete Soup Diet Cookbook


30 Scrumptious Homemade Soups and Broths
Your Complete Soup Diet Cookbook

This collection of homemade soups and broths is packed with 30 lip-smacking recipes. From simple homemade soup recipes to the recipes of chowder, bisque and broth, you will learn the easiest preparation methods, explained in this cookbook.

This cookbook is ideal for beginners as well as experts. The recipes are more delicious than any take-out options.

Whether its summer, spring or winter, every season has its very own vegetable treats and this cookbook will teach how exactly you can use those treats and transform them into a scrumptious bowl of soup.

No matter what you are looking for, a simple starter, lunch, supper, dinner or just a laid back snack, you will find what you need in this soup diet cookbook.

Keep turning the pages to discover the world of healthy and fulfilling soup. 


Apr 9, 2015

Oven Style BBQ Cookbook: Tantalizing Hassle-free BBQ Recipes


Oven Style BBQ Cookbook
Tantalizing Hassle-free BBQ Recipes

Do you feel as if you simply can’t get tired of barbecue dishes?

Did you know that a dish would just not be BBQ without a great sauce?

Do you want to know how to make your delicious BBQ entr?es?

Well, you’re in luck as this BBQ cookbook is the solution for you.

This is the ultimate barbecue cookbook and it can have you making barbecue dishes like a pro.

Never before has there ever been a single book with so many delicious yet simple recipes for BBQ.

This book contains 25 tantalizing and tasty BBQ recipes that offer a mixture of entr?es that can be made using either your oven or grill and amazing BBQ Sauces that you can use to complete those meals.

These recipes are also guaranteed to leave your friends and family members wanting more regardless of what you choose to put on the grill.

Best of all, they can all be made by you, in your own home, with no hassle what – so - ever.

Making BBQ dishes are not as hard as you think and this book will show you just how easy it is to create your own delicious BBQ creations.

This BBQ cookbook is a great item for you whether you are a beginner or professional.

In fact even if you happen to be a beginner now, you will certainly feel like a professional by the end of the book.

The Oven Style BBQ Cookbook will make you feel like you are in BBQ heaven when making these BBQ recipes.

Your creations will satisfy your palate and make you want to use this barbecue cookbook to make sauces over and over again.

These recipes are ‘oh so good’ and we guarantee you will absolutely love each and every one of them. Guaranteed to satisfy!

What are you waiting for? Grab your copy NOW!


Apr 4, 2015

Fruit Infused Water: Quick and Easy Vitamin Water Recipes for Weight Loss, Health and Detox Cleanse


Fruit Infused Water
Quick and Easy Vitamin Water Recipes for Weight Loss, Health and Detox Cleanse

Water! It is the basic need of human beings.

70% of the human body contains water and crucial systems of our body such as digestion need enough water to function properly, yet we ignore its importance and fall behind in providing our body what it needs most.

The simple reason for this ignorance is that plain water is boring, but you can now flavor it up by adding one or two combination of fruits.

This way, not only will you fulfill the daily requirement of water, but you will also benefit from the wellness and goodness of fruits.

We have created this infused water book to keep you fully hydrated, all year round.

Fruit infused water recipes for weight loss also fulfill the deficiency of minerals and vitamins in our system.

Water flourishes our organs and allows them to function properly.

Fruit infused water also cleanses our body from toxins that make us lethargic.

Water also boost metabolism, thus improving the digestion process and increasing the formation of blood cells in our body.

If you want a to have a totally new take on water, keep reading to enjoy one of the best fruit infused books you have ever read. 


Apr 3, 2015

Cooking with Marijuana: Interesting, Delicious and Easy Recipes you can make with the Magical Herb


Cooking with Marijuana
Interesting, Delicious and Easy Recipes you can make with the Magical Herb 

There are so many books that focus on how to grow marijuana but not many actually feature a lot of information about marijuana horticulture or even how to utilize it in meals. The truth is marijuana growing will only be beneficial if you are in the market of selling it unless you learn to utilize it properly. Yes! I said it, and I am not just referring to building a blunt.

What is said about today’s society is that the persons interested in researching on how to grow marijuana are often times not aware of the nutritional and health benefits one can achieve by consuming the product. In this book we will focus not on the traditional marijuana horticulture, instead, we will be diving into delicious meals that can be made with marijuana. These can all be used as healthy home remedies for a variety of sickness including anxiety, depression, cancer and autoimmune deficiencies to name a few.

Best of all these recipes can prepared by just about anyone so you won’t need to become a marijuana growing guru or even study how to grow marijuana. All you can will need are the normal tools from your home kitchen and, of course, a copy of this book. 
